China Social Games Analyzing Chinese Social Networks and Games


China’s Top 4 Social Networks: RenRen, Kaixin001, Qzone and

Originally posted at VentureBeat

There is no single dominant network, no Facebook for all of China. The actual is blocked by government censors (Chinese sites all obediently and quickly remove “objectionable” content). No single social network will conquer the China market in the immediate future, least of all a foreign one.

Instead, there is fierce competition between the top four:

  • RenRen (formerly Xiaonei) copied the Facebook model: it started with students and has since opened to all.
  • Kaixin001 attracted white-collar office workers by focusing on fun, addictive social games.
  • Qzone gained young teens and rural users via cross-promotional traffic from QQ Messenger.
  • started strong in lower tier cities, but growth has since slowed.

This post will assess market share, profile the top four, and boldly predict the future.